- Download GIT from https://git-scm.com/downloads
To ensure GIT is installed on the machine type following on command prompt. It should show you version:
- GIT –version
Set your Name and Email for GIT using following commands:
- git config –global user.name “YourName”
- git config –global user.email “youremail@somedomain.com”
To verify the configuration, type
- git config –list
Or simply a single configuration by
- git config user.name
- git config user.email
This information is stored in file .gitconfig in user’s root folder.
To set the Editor:
- git config –global core.editor “notepad.exe”
To set UI color
- git config –global color.ui true
Auto-Completion feature is already installed in Windows but need to be installed on linux and mac. It can be downloaded from https://github.com/git/git
For exploring git use
- git help
- git help log