Following are important scripts Select * from ActiveBGTasks where createdate > Cast (GetDate() as date) and TaskStatusCode = ‘READY’ Delete from ActiveBGTasks where createdate > Cast (GetDate() as date) and TaskStatusCode = ‘READY’ Select * from bgtaskhistory where createdate > Cast (GetDate() as date) and CompletionDate is null and TaskExecutable […]
After copying data from prod to test, usually site name also need to be changed. Following is the script. DECLARE @Severity int, @POldSite [dbo].[SiteType], @PNewSite [dbo].[SiteType], @RegenerateRowPointers [dbo].[ListYesNoType], @Infobar [dbo].[InfobarType], @Site [dbo].[SiteType] — Change XYZ to the name of your current Site IdSET @Site = ‘SITE-P’ EXECUTE @Severity = [dbo].[SetSiteSp] […]
CSI – Change Site name
LoadWithPartialName [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname(“Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo”) | out-null pipe with out-null to avoid output. New-Object $srv = New-Object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server’) pipe with gm (get member) sidebar: $a = dir $a will display directory now if we do $a | gm it will have properties for directory. Like move to, Extension, Encrypted etc. $srv = New-Object […]
SQL Server SMO in PowerShell
Download GIT from To ensure GIT is installed on the machine type following on command prompt. It should show you version: GIT –version Set your Name and Email for GIT using following commands: git config –global “YourName” git config –global “” To verify the configuration, type git […]
Configuring GIT
Creating a bucket in IAM: NOTE: IAM Screen for creating a new bucket has completely changed. Old Screen: Above options are not in new IAM interface. Configure Options: Old: New: Navigate inside a bucket Created 2 folders in the bucket Upload a file inside images folder: By default only owner […]
S3 Basics
RDS = Relational Database Service What is a database? Non Relational Database DynamoDB (No SQL DB) Data Warehousing OLTP vs OLAP RedShift (Amazon’s OLAP) Elasticache Webservice that makes it easy to deploy, operate and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud. improves the performance of web-applications by retrieving data from […]